Monday, August 28, 2017

What Has Danielle Been Up To Lately??

I realized it has been MONTHS since I made a post on here which is TERRIBLE! The past few months have been crazy insane.  I dealt with a huge break up, a move, lots of traveling and really taking time to enjoy life and find MYSELF.  

Dynamic Detail aka. Buddy
He's the BEST horse in the whole world 💗

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to show an amazing horse this summer.  It felt great to get back into the show pen after about 4 years.  Horses are definitely something that will always be in my blood and it's so therapeutic for me to be in the barn and we have an incredible barn family to hang with. 

Buddy enjoyed the complimentary wine

I also got to head to Charlotte and visit my sister like 4 times! YAYYYY for sister time.  I attended my first professional golf tournament and it wasn't as lame as I expected (actually pretty fun despite being 9000 degrees out), went white water rafting for the first time and enjoyed time with good friends and family. 

Line Dancing with my seesta

PGA Championship
LOVE her!

I also spent ALOT of time on the lake and the golf courses.  Two things I didn't even know I enjoyed, I also discovered I get very seasick so motion sickness medicine is a MUST but it's seriously the most relaxing place.   As for the golf course....there aren't any tournament titles in my future but I am an excellent ball finder and putter from about 8" away.  

I caught the biggest one!
So peaceful

I can't believe it's already September but I am now in the planning stages of making a permanent move to the Charlotte area.  I'm super nervous but also really excited to see what the future holds.  I am not a snow or cold weather person so I think I will handle winter much better down there when I can wear a sweatshirt instead of a down feather parka.  I turned 3o in June and I'm prepared to make it the BEST year yet.