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Ever since I was little I was always the "tiny" one.  I was super scrawny, short and on the go constantly so I burned off EVERYTHING I ate. I remember showing horses every weekend when I was a teenager and living on chocolate milk, ho-hos, chicken fingers and fries every weekend and I would LOSE weight. 

Then around the time I turned 18 something changed.  I wasn't as active but didn't change my eating habits and every year I would gain 10-20 pounds over the winter and lose it over the summer.  This cycle was like clockwork.  I just mentally told myself I was going to get "fat" and there was nothing I could do about it so I needed to accept it and I would lose it over the summer.  I am pretty sure I tried every weight loss program, diet, quick fix etc out there.  Every week I was desperately trying the latest fad that would help you drop "10 pounds in 10 day"  Which were all LIES!  

Then around 21 something else changed....I stopped losing the extra pounds over the summer. Around that time I started thinking the number on the scale defined who I was as a person. I was in a serious relationship, we ate so much fast food, processed food and junk, plus I had just turned 21 so I drank ALOT.   And not light beer, I was drinking sugar loaded, calorie bomb mixed drinks. 

The next series of events I remember SO CLEARLY like it was yesterday.  We had just come home from a Mother's Day brunch at our Country Club, I had white jeans and a red sweater on and I felt so full I could hardly stand up straight.  I was freaking out inside because all I could think was "its all going to turn to fat and I will get bigger"  That was the moment I thought, "If I go outside and throw it back up then I won't digest the calories and I will be ok!"  ...and that's what I did.  It was so easy for me and I felt so much better afterward.  

That was the day my eating disorder struggles began.  

Over the next 7 or so years I struggled with bulimia on a daily basis. I had such a toxic relationship with all food, the scale, my body image and my self confidence.  One day I decided to google "bulimia symptoms" because I was in denial that I truly had a problem.   It hit me like a brick wall when I had EVERY...SINGLE...SYMPTOM and I can remember just sitting on the couch bawling because I felt like such a failure at life. 

Thanks to the help of therapy I was able to start getting back on track.  I ended up losing about 30 pounds once I stopped stressing about everything, eating better.  Unfortunately after I lost that weight I began to develop anorexia.  I was so obsessed with the number on the scale that I constantly thought "If I can just get down to X weight my life will be better and I will be happy"  Again, another lie I told myself because no matter how many pounds I lost I always wanted more.  

Enter 2015... I decided to give this program with cute little containers a try because honestly, I tried everything else so why not this too?  

IT CHANGED MY LIFE.  I am now the healthiest I have ever been, mentally I am so much stronger, and my self confidence has sky-rocketed.   The support from people just like me made it so much easier to stick to it.  Now, it has become a lifestyle and it's the first program I have EVER stuck with.  

If I can do it, SO CAN YOU! Life is way to freaking short to hate yourself everyday. I want to help you realize how beautiful and amazing you are.  It just starts with a decision to try.  

Melissa Ludwig
Heather Shields

Both these ladies made this transformation 100% with these programs and Shakeology!!

Why not you, why not now!? Let’s do this thang, TOGETHER! No woman left behind, we all get knocked down, but the important thing is getting back up each time!
I have helped hundreds of people, throughout the country, reach their personal goals and now it’s time for YOU to reach yours too. It all starts with that first step and I will be here every step of the way from there.
To make a healthy change and set up a FREE consultation, to talk more about your goals to see if this is a good fit for you, fill out the form below!

  • Do you currently have a Beachbody Coach? *
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  • Do you currently own a Beachbody program? Check all that apply. *
  • Have you tried Shakeology? *
  • //Pick a date.

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