Success Stories

Melissa Ludwig
Melissa is someone who I am super blessed to call a good friend.  She inspires me everyday and I love her to death.  She has lost over 100 pounds using Shakeology and Beachbody programs.  She has taken charge of her life and she radiates confidence now.  She also was selected to share her story at one of our events so make sure you check out the video below.  <--- Keep the tissues handy. 

Debbie Potter

Debbie is another amazing mama from our team who is down 80+ pounds thanks to Shakeology and Beachbody programs.  She is now pregnant with her 3rd child and having her healthiest pregnancy yet.  

Tanner Clemens

Tanner's transformation is incredible!  She is a fur mama like me and recently quit her CrossFit instructor job to become a full-time Beachbody Coach.  

With the help of Beachbody programs and clean eating, I have lost 112 pounds and 59 inches! I honestly never thought that was possible. I am most proud that I achieved these results with hard work and dedication. I didn’t use a gimmick or a cheat to get where I am. I am also proud of sticking with this, never giving up, surpassing the goal I set, and changing my life for the better. When I see people in my community, most of them don’t recognize me. I have changed both inside and out! Several weeks ago, I hiked for five hours up a mountain! I am finally physically fit enough to live life to the fullest. Living in Alaska, I was missing out on many adventures out on my doorstep, but now I can partake and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. Beachbody taught me how to move, what to eat, and was there through the whole process via Challenge Groups.

The greatest challenge was craving junk food. I loved carbs and and salty foods, and also going out to nice restaurants. I was definitely a food junkie. The 21 Day Fix definitely opened my eyes to different food options. That there were great-tasting healthy foods out there, and I didn’t need to overeat everything I ingested. I now eat smaller portions, eat more healthy, and when I do indulge, I don’t go overboard. I loved that it taught me the right amounts of everything I should be having. In the past, I would cut my calories, but was still eating more carbs and not enough fruits, veggies, and proteins. 21 Day Fix definitely has me eating a balanced diet every day, and getting the extra nutrients I never got before.

I had amazing results with the program. I lost 28 pounds and 19½ inches. I get around a lot better due to increased mobility. I’m stronger and I like how I feel about myself. Not a day goes by without exercise, and I eat healthier. Thank you, Beachbody, for giving me back my life.

Finding time to workout with my 3 children and working from home with no one to help me with my children. Many Beachbody workouts are just 30 minutes a day and are easily doable from home. You can follow the workouts and do not need to go to gym or have your own trainer in order to lose weight and see results. Beachbody has taught me that you do not have to restrict your diet and eat foods you do not like in order to lose weight. The eating plan is completely doable and it is easy to use it to feed my whole family. The workouts are challenging and push me to my limit, but Autumn and Shaun T are motivating and make you want to do it. I wake up every day and look forward to working out because it makes me feel so much better about myself. After losing both my parents so unexpectedly I battled my unhappiness and at times did not want to get out of bed. This program has saved my life. I don’t feel sad and I do not feel hopeless anymore. I feel great about myself.

Ultimate Reset has transformed every aspect of me. I lost weight and inches as well as toxins from my body. I gained confidence and energy, and my digestion has been regulated. My mind feels clear, and I now have the will to make great choices for my health and nutrition. After the tragedies of my previous miscarriages, I felt so out of control and detached from myself. Ultimate Reset provided me with the tools to not only take control of my health but to also focus on the spiritual healing process on the inside that was very therapeutic. It changed my lifestyle habits. Ultimate Reset pushed me to become better and rise above my circumstances, and because of this, I have hope and joy in my life again. Nothing could be better.

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