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Ok! So you have a million Beachbody coaches that you follow on social media and you are wondering how exactly they have been able to make selfies and workouts into a career!? To everyone coaching is something different so I am going to tell you what coaching is to ME and about my team. 

I love dogs, horses, peanut butter, avocado, guacamole, margaritas, wine, my friends, my family, being outside, shopping, dancing, all things pink and sparkly and helping other women realize THEY ARE ENOUGH! I truly believe that your VIBE attracts your TRIBE and coaching has brought some of the most incredible people into my life. I love my CO-WORKERS and that isn't something most people can say.

I have battled eating disorders and a LOT of negative self talk, and now, I’m just on a mission to help as many women as I can to love the skin they’re in and love themselves AS THEY ARE, WHERE THEY ARE, while working on my own health and fitness goals. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being perfectly imperfect and realizing that if you are enough for God, you are enough for a-n-y-o-n-e.
I became a health coach when I was completely lost at my job, I was desperate for a way out financially and I didn't realize just how much I NEEDED coaching because it changed my whole life.   I still had a lot of negative thoughts about myself, but I was really trying to put a lot of emphasis on the fact that ATTITUDE is everything. I knew that my attitude could decide how my day would go, and I was putting a lot of effort into choosing POSITIVITY. I had no idea what I was doing but I trusted the process and felt in my gut that this was "what I was praying for" so I just ran with it.  I ended up with a career and a better mindset on my body and myself. 
Coaching to me, is helping other women (or men, but my target market is definitely females), love themselves, reach their goals, encouraging them on their journey, while working on yourself! It’s that simple, the BEST coaches are real. You don’t need a 6 pack, a degree in fitness or nutrition, or a “sales” background. (I have NO 6 pack, a degree in Accounting and a "sales" career scared the crap out of me)  The cool thing is, real people know what it’s like to struggle, to get kicked down, and how to get back up. You are just a work in progress, and as you share your results from our amazing fitness and nutrition bootcamp, people are going to want to know what you’re doing and be a part of it!

 So, I know some of you may be thinking, “I couldn’t do that, because…” I was there too! For 4 months I told my coach "no" simply because I was afraid I would fail again.  I badly wanted to say YES but fear took over for months.    LOOK, my bank account was negative when I started, I could have said, “I don’t have the money” because.... I didn’t. I put it on the credit card and never looked back. I was able to supplement my part time job enough in 2 months quit my job, I have earned trips to tropical destinations I only ever dreamed of, I made true friends who were complete strangers, and now I am working on retiring my boyfriend so he can choose his JOB and not his PAYCHECK.

I have literally felt like a failure at everything in my life and for once I am pushing towards my dreams and I can see the big picture.  I heard a quote that sticks with me everyday.... "Everyday of your life you are either working to achieve your own goals and dreams, OR you are a resource for someone else to achieve theirs."
To apply to be a part of our amazing team, just fill out the form below with your info and I’ll contact ya to see if it’s for you or not, no big deal, either way, but it just may change your life as it has mine, so what do you have to lose for asking? Literally nothing! So fill out that application, and let’s chat!



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