Monday, November 21, 2016

My first week of Core De Force

So I officially started Core De Force on November 7th but I let excuses happen and I ended up not being as consistent as I wanted. So nothing like a fresh start because I'm not going to half ass anything...I'm gonna use my whole ass.  

Yesterday I completed my first full week and it was alot harder than I thought but I LOVED it. The one workout has so...many...push ups...., I am excited to see my progress on that one because push ups are my weakness.  I still struggle to stay on track with my eating and let a few too many cheat meals happen but I am so proud that I pushed play every single day, even when I didn't feel like it.  Today started week two and I can already see some changes in my abs,  It really makes me want to stick to the meal plan and see just how awesome this program can transform your body in 30 days!!  There were days I wanted to cry during the workout or give up.  There were some days I had to follow the modifications to finish but I still did it!  

This week we tackle Thanksgiving!  I WILL get my workout in first thing in the morning before we head off to family dinners and I will having my Shakeology for breakfast so I at least have 1 healthy meal.  It is just one day and I refuse to let it side track all my progress.  I am just going to make healthy choices and only splurge on the things I REALLY enjoy.  

Back to the workouts, I really like that we go in 3 minute rounds so it takes a 30-40 minute workout but breaks it up so the time goes super fast.  I also appreciate the breaks throughout to catch my breath, it for sure makes me feel like a BADASS and I love that!  Plus I haven't ever done a workout like this before so I feel so empowered to be learning something new and sweating at the same time. 

I am keeping strong with Core De Force through the end of the year!  I also have another accountability group starting November 28th if you also need some help surviving the holidays.  

Click here for more information about the group

Here's to an awesome week 2!!!!

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