Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Want to workout with a buddy? Introducing DOUBLE TIME

Tony Horton is BACK!  You know him from P90X and 22 Minute Hard Corps but now he is bringing fitness to the whole family! COMING OCTOBER 31, 2017 Tony is here with DOUBLE TIME.

What is Double Time? Double Time is the first 30-day partner workout program from Beachbody® and legendary Super Trainer, Tony Horton. Designed with families in mind, it’s a fun way for you and a partner (like your spouse, a friend, or your kid) to exercise and eat yummy, healthy food as a team—all while sharing some one-on-one time!

What makes Double Time unique? You could do any fitness program next to another person. But with Double Time, you actually have to work together to complete the moves in each workout. Not only will you get into better shape, but you’ll also get the chance to connect with that person while doing something new, laughing, and just having a great time! 

Why work out with a partner? Studies show that you’re way more likely to succeed with a fitness routine when you do it with another person. That’s why Double Time is so effective! When you have someone who’s working out with you every day (and who is committed to eating healthier), you’ll have way more motivation to make healthier choices. And that means you’re more likely to stay consistent and stick with the program. 

Who is Double Time for
Men and women of any age or fitness level: With simple, playful moves and a modifier to follow if you’re just getting into fitness, anyone can do Double Time workouts. You and your partner don’t need to be at the same fitness level. With Double Time, each of you can go at your own pace and still get a great workout. 

People who need more accountability to help them complete a program:  Every workout requires two people and a bit of teamwork, giving you extra motivation and accountability to stay consistent with daily exercise. 

People who want to spend more time with their kids (ages 8 & up): doing something healthy together With Double Time, you can team up with your child and teach them the importance of exercise with a workout that feels more like play and less like work! You can also start teaching them the value of a healthy diet with simple nutrition tips and kid-friendly recipes from the Eating Plan.


4 strength and cardio workouts Using a ball and some good old-fashioned teamwork, you and your partner will sweat it out together with fun yet challenging cardio and resistance moves that can be modified or dialed up in intensity. 

1 core workout: Abracadabra Feel the magic as you and your partner sweat and laugh your way to stronger, flatter abs. 

1 active recovery workout: Recess All play makes this active recovery workout a blast— and hands down the best way to loosen up and improve flexibility. 

BONUS WORKOUT: Funapalooza Packed with playful cardio moves, this is one sweat fest you’ll actually look forward to. (Available for Beachbody On Demand members only.) 

BONUS WORKOUT: Power Partners Tony double dog dares you to take on more strengthbuilding moves—all while having a ball! (Available for Beachbody On Demand members only.) 

Fitness Tools:
Eating Guide- Filled with simple tips and kid-friendly recipes, this guide will help you and your partner get on board with better nutrition. It also includes the Double Time Weight-Loss Plan to help fast-track your transformation. 

Start Here Guide- Get started with the Double Time program in just 3 super-simple steps. 

Workout Calendar -This handy calendar helps you stay on track by showing you which workouts to do each day for 30 days.

You can get this program with either Shakeology OR Daily Sunshine for the kiddos.  

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