Sunday, February 19, 2017

21 Day Fix Meal Plan

The 21 Day Fix was the first Beachbody program I ever tried and I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to follow.  The workouts were quick but holy smokes they kicked my butt.  However, the amazing part is the portion control container system for the eating plan.  I had thought I was eating healthy in the past because I was choosing "low fat", "fat free", "light", "diet", or frozen meals that were supposed to be "healthy" . I was trying to out train a terrible diet and my healthy eating still wasn't doing my body any favors.  

It took me a few months to get a good handle on meal planning and I now it takes no time at all, saves me money at the grocery story and prevents last minute pizza delivery or dinners out.  I need a plan and a schedule and now that I know HOW to meal plan I know that is why I finally got results that lasted.  

Here is a sample of my meal plan and also a grocery list for the week.  I am a creature of habit and don't mind eating the same thing often, that makes it a ton easier.  Plus, with the Fix you have so many options for what foods you can eat that even if you are super picky it can work for YOU! 

Do you struggle with nutrition and meal planning?  We focus a lot in my accountability groups because it is such a huge part of getting lasting results.  I would love to help teach you how to make this a part of your lifestyle. 

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