Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 2 Of The Ultimate Reset

Well Jason and I survived another week.  Week 2 of the Ultimate Reset is DONE.  This week we went completely vegan and I really enjoyed it.  I have a ton of energy, I don't miss my coffee and caffeine at all, I am waking up earlier and easier (not snoozing for an hour).  The menu was pretty simple this week.  We had a fruit plate for breakfast everyday which is A-OK with me.  Lunch was mainly salads with seeds, veggies and avocado.  Dinner was a mix of squash and veggies, a quinoa-lentil salad, baked sweet potatoes, and other things like that.  The one meal Jason and I agree was gross was the Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Bisque.  He isn't a soup person and I really had to just drink it and get it down.

I felt great digestive system wise but he has been feeling really bloated and uncomfortable all week.  They say that is common in week two because you are taking the detox supplement and your body is really starting to get rid of the junk.  The power greens supplement is getting much easier to take, just chug it with a big straw and I'm golden.

Things were going along just great until DAY 13!  It hit my like a brick wall! I was craving sweets and fried foods like a crazy person.  I'm sure it didn't help that I have been watching cake decorating videos on youtube so I really want a cupcake but it happens.  The guide also says you can have some emotional detoxing during this period and boy did that happen.  I was crying, miserable, just in a total funk.   And then it happened!! We had a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cough Dough ice cream in the freezer and I went through and picked all the cookie dough pieces out.  That was a huge mistake and I felt so guilty and like I had wasted the last two weeks.  I almost immediately got a headache and all day felt just foggy and I truly believe it was from the sugar.  Then for dinner we ordered out, Jason really wanted a cheeseburger and kept saying that one cheat meal wouldn't kill us and I really wanted french fries so Im not going to say I put up much of a fight.  I had a veggie burger with spinach, avocado, onions, and cucumber ranch...not the WORST but I also had fries.   I have never realized how JUST how much your food affects how you feel.  I felt so blah and icky with a headache all Saturday night.  It really was eye-opening to start really listening to my body and paying attention.  It is such a mental obstacle.  I wasn't even truly hungry...I just wanted food.

So cheat day and all we picked up, dusted ourselves off and are ready to tackle the 3rd and final week.  This week is basically all fruits and veggies.  I am committed to completing it 100% and doing this for me and a feeling of self accomplishment.  Luckily these meals are very similar to what I normally eat but really being on track is helping me a lot!  Here we go!!

Want to check out the Ultimate Reset??

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