One of the programs Beachbody offers is the Ultimate Reset. It is a 3 week detox and total body cleanse. I have wanted to do it for about a year but to be honest, I was scared. I have trouble sticking to the 21 Day Fix meal plan without cheating for 3 weeks and this program comes with a very specific meal plan and supplement routine.
With my coaching trip to Punta Cana in a month and some extra winter fluff I would like to lose I decided to make the leap and try it. Luckily, Jason is doing it with me and a friend is also doing it so I have lots of support for this journey.
Day 1 wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I am tired but I don't know if that is from the reset or just cuz I am always tired haha. But I didn't really miss my coffee in the morning. Breakfast was scrambled eggs, spinach and toast which was very filling and I actually wasn't hungry until lunch time. You do drink a ton of water during this so that was a struggle for me to get all my water in. For lunch we had greek chicken salads that were HUGE! Literally so much food, neither Jason or I could finish them.
Then as I was thinking this reset wasn't so bad....the afternoon Power Greens hit! It is definitely the worst part but if you chug it fast it's not so bad.
Dinner was again huge! Baked chicken in a pesto marinade with steamed asparagus and boiled potatoes. For the second time on the first day Jason asked if this was really a detox because we were eating so much.
I went to bed feeling pretty good. I was very proud of myself for making it through day 1.
Then today.... we started day 2. I slept so great and woke up feeling good. Breakfast was oatmeal with blueberries and greek yogurt sweetened with maple syrup. YUM I could eat that every morning. I started to miss my coffee today, not necessarily the coffee or the caffeine but the warm cup and the routine in the morning. I did start to get a headache in the afternoon which I am not sure if it's from coffee withdrawal. I normally drank 2-3 cups a day but still it's not anything like what I expected.
Lunch was another greek chicken salad and I even made them smaller today and Jason and I still couldn't finish them all. About half way through the afternoon I was chatting with my friend and we were talking about all the water we had to drink...then we discovered that a gallon of water is NOT in fact 64 hours but instead 128 ounces. I would have sworn that there were 64 ounces in a gallon so I was drinking too much water. Kind of relieved about that, my bladder will be glad.
Dinner tonight was a veggie taco. When I told Jason he only got 1 taco he gave me a very sad look but after we dished them up and saw how much food it was, he again asked if I was reading the recipes right and that was how much we were supposed to get. ...... Yes, dear! Tonight I still have a dull headache that I think is from the lack of coffee but I can live with it. I did take 2 short naps today because I was feeling really tired but overall I feel really great! Loving the Ultimate Reset so far. I am really missing my Shakeology though :( they say you can have half of one every now and then for a snack so I will be breaking down I'm sure soon and having one. I also miss my workouts, but we are encouraged to do yoga, stretch or walk during this.
I will keep you updated on my week 1, week 2 and final progress !

I am living each day to be the BEST I can and also inspire others along the way. I am leading by example, dreaming big and turning my passion for health and fitness into my business. I have completely changed my life in the last 2 years and I want to pass this gift on to everyone! You don't have to struggle alone. Together we can accomplish amazing things -xoxo
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
My first 2 days of the Ultimate Reset
21 Day Fix
lose weight
ultimate reset
vacation diet
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