Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My new pasta obsession!

We are big pasta eaters in my house.  It is so easy and affordable and there are a bazillion ways to make it.  A few months ago a challenger told me about these brown rice/quinoa noodles and I was slightly skeptical.  I mean...pasta is pasta! 

I found these at our local Aldi so I decided to give them a try.  I am happy to say they will now be a staple in my pantry at ALL times.  With only two ingredients : Organic Brown Rice and Organic Quinoa they are very clean and actually taste like real noodles. I will be stocking up next time I go to the store and I can't wait to try them in my pasta salad recipe.   I actually feel like I am not as full and heavy like I am after eating pasta.  

The best part is that they still fit into my meal plan!!  I added spaghetti sauce with limited ingredients, some ground turkey and seasoned up the sauce with garlic, Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes for extra yum.  I added some shredded mozzarella on top but forgot to take a pic of that (that's what the blue container is for)
-1 pound ground turkey or ground turkey sausage

-1 jar spaghetti sauce or marinara (try to find one with as little ingredients as possible)

-1 bag of brown rice/quinoa noodles

-shredded mozzarella (optional)

1. Brown meat in skillet and drain any fat
2. Add sauce to skillet and heat through
3. Boil pasta according to bag, drain.
4. Mix cooked pasta into skillet with meat sauce and stir.
5. Serve and sprinkle with shredded cheese if desired.

One serving is 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 red, 1 blue (if using cheese)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Never miss a Monday!

I always do so good when I start a new round of the 21 Day Fix or the 21 Day Fix EXTREME.   I love how much more the extreme workouts challenge me so I try to alternate and mix things up so my body doesn't plateau.    

The first week I am super on the ball with the workouts and the eating but it always seems like sometime during the second week I let myself fall off the wagon and then I can't get back on.  It might start out small as an order of french fries or a margarita (which would be totally fine if that's where it stopped).  I find myself telling me that I earned it so it's fine and that usually turns into another cheat tomorrow and the next day and then a skipped workout here and there.  By the end of the third week I am eating horribly and not working out consistently.  

I have done both programs start to finish at least once consistently and the results are amazing.  The only thing standing in my way is ME and my willpower.  So I am determined to go hard and go strong in July.  It is only 3 weeks and I KNOW I can do it.  I am going to have my challenger keep me super accountable and make sure I check in several times a day with my accountability buddy.    

Wanna do it with us??? 
I will spend the time until July 11th getting myself back on track with other workouts and really watching what I eat.  I know I won't be perfect but as long as I am aware and better than I used to be I will call it a win.  This is a LIFESTYLE and a journey; not a quick fix and a destination.  

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Veggies & Dip

I have always liked vegetables for the most part.  I wasn't really ever the kid whose mom had to constantly say "Eat your vegetables before you can get away from the table".  I also wasn't ever the person who craved veggies.   Then I discovered (like most Americans) that everything is better with ranch on it :) so I started always dipping cut up veggies in ranch dressing.  If you are following the 21 Day Fix meal plan though you will soon learn that ranch is NOT AT ALL approved unless you make a homemade version.

I stumbled upon this gem at the grocery store and it has changed my ranch obsession for LIFE.
Greek Yogurt Feta & Dill dressing!  It's the bomb dot com and I put it on EVERYTHING I can now.  I count it as an orange container but it has so much flavor that a tiny bit goes a long way.  Cut of veggies with some of this to dip is now my go-to snack and my green container intake has significantly increased now.  
I found this bottle of OPA at Walmart in the product section (by the guacamole) but I am sure other supermarkets carry it as well.    ENJOY!!!

Monday, June 13, 2016



The program I follow with the cute little colored portion containers is this months FEATURED SPECIAL. It changed my life and I would be a total boob if I didn't share it with YOU. 
Typically I don't put prices and stuff because I feel like an annoying sales person but seriously TEN FREAKING DOLLARS for an entire workout program and nutrition plan. 
Wanna join? Can you commit to 21 days? Ready to feel more confident this summer instead of hiding under coverups? Let's go then! 
You can bet this is my go-to program for the summer. It's fast, super easy and IT REALLY WORKS. 
I was the one who was always trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to get quick fix results. This program finally ended that cycle because it actually works and its maintainable. 
My next accountability group is starting soon so don't miss out on getting your spot saved  Grab a friend or two and get the summer body you have been wanting!

Shoot me an email at or apply here

**PLUS** : Everyone who joins us for July's bootcamp will get a free copy of my eBook full of 21 Day Fix approved picnic food. 

  • Do you currently have a Beachbody Coach? *
  • --
  • Do you currently own a Beachbody program? Check all that apply. *
  • Have you tried Shakeology? *
  • //Pick a date.

*sale price is with purchase of Shakeology.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

How Coaching Has Changed My Life In A Year

I absolutely CANNOT believe it's already been a year that I have been a health and fitness coach. When I look back at the last year the only regret I have it that I didn't do it sooner. For months and months I told my coach I didn't want to do it and it wasn't something I was interested it. WHY? Because I thought I would suck at it and didn't want to feel like a failure.

Something finally switched in my head on June 13, 2015 and I messaged her and said "Ok, let's go.  I have my credit card ready." I don't know what it was but something in my gut said this was meant to be. I had to put it on my credit card because my bank account was pretty much negative but I HAD A FEELING I NEEDED TO DO THIS.

In a year
*I have helped so many people get healthy and learn to love themselves all while I was working in myself.
*Gained more self confidence than ever before
*Made friendships that will last a lifetime
*Paid off ALL my credit cards
*Quit my office job and became a full time stay at home dog mom

I can't even put into words how grateful I am that April saw something in me that I didn't see in myself and finally convinced me to give coaching a try.  

Look back on the last 12 months of you life.... are they going in the direction you want? It's never too late to make a change. I am always looking for determined, amazing women who have a passion for helping others and want to become the best version on themselves possible. We have an AMAZING team of ladies and I want YOU to be apart of it too.

Maybe you want to replace your full time income and stay home or maybe you just want to pay for the groceries every week. The sky is the limit with this business, but if you have the drive and determination the possibilities are endless.

I have a new coach training that starts on June 27th, do you want to be part of it and start your next chapter??? Fill out this application and let's get started  I believe in YOU. 

To keep the legal team happy: Because nothing comes without hard work Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.

Meal Planning Made Simple

When I started my 21 Day Fix journey I sucked at meal planning.  I thought I don't need to actually do that, I can just wing it and figure it out day to day.  


That didn't work at all.   I have finally gotten my meal planning down to a science and it seriously makes my life so much easier.

This week's meal plan :) 

I also made a short video that explains how I go through figuring out what to make each week.
How I Meal Plan

Hope this helps! and let me know any questions you have.  Happy Sunday!!!