Monday, June 13, 2016



The program I follow with the cute little colored portion containers is this months FEATURED SPECIAL. It changed my life and I would be a total boob if I didn't share it with YOU. 
Typically I don't put prices and stuff because I feel like an annoying sales person but seriously TEN FREAKING DOLLARS for an entire workout program and nutrition plan. 
Wanna join? Can you commit to 21 days? Ready to feel more confident this summer instead of hiding under coverups? Let's go then! 
You can bet this is my go-to program for the summer. It's fast, super easy and IT REALLY WORKS. 
I was the one who was always trying EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to get quick fix results. This program finally ended that cycle because it actually works and its maintainable. 
My next accountability group is starting soon so don't miss out on getting your spot saved  Grab a friend or two and get the summer body you have been wanting!

Shoot me an email at or apply here

**PLUS** : Everyone who joins us for July's bootcamp will get a free copy of my eBook full of 21 Day Fix approved picnic food. 

  • Do you currently have a Beachbody Coach? *
  • --
  • Do you currently own a Beachbody program? Check all that apply. *
  • Have you tried Shakeology? *
  • //Pick a date.

*sale price is with purchase of Shakeology.

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