Monday, June 27, 2016

Never miss a Monday!

I always do so good when I start a new round of the 21 Day Fix or the 21 Day Fix EXTREME.   I love how much more the extreme workouts challenge me so I try to alternate and mix things up so my body doesn't plateau.    

The first week I am super on the ball with the workouts and the eating but it always seems like sometime during the second week I let myself fall off the wagon and then I can't get back on.  It might start out small as an order of french fries or a margarita (which would be totally fine if that's where it stopped).  I find myself telling me that I earned it so it's fine and that usually turns into another cheat tomorrow and the next day and then a skipped workout here and there.  By the end of the third week I am eating horribly and not working out consistently.  

I have done both programs start to finish at least once consistently and the results are amazing.  The only thing standing in my way is ME and my willpower.  So I am determined to go hard and go strong in July.  It is only 3 weeks and I KNOW I can do it.  I am going to have my challenger keep me super accountable and make sure I check in several times a day with my accountability buddy.    

Wanna do it with us??? 
I will spend the time until July 11th getting myself back on track with other workouts and really watching what I eat.  I know I won't be perfect but as long as I am aware and better than I used to be I will call it a win.  This is a LIFESTYLE and a journey; not a quick fix and a destination.  

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