Friday, July 1, 2016

How to not undo a months worth of hard work in one long weekend

Ok, so if you are anything like me you head into a long holiday weekend thinking "I got this, I will be good and not trash all my hard work at one party".... Three days later you can't button your pants and you are still so full it's hard to stand up.  Anyone else been there??

Good news!  Over the last year I have been working on a healthier lifestyle, NOT just a diet, so I can still enjoy myself and follow the 80/20 rule.  I just plan ahead, make smarter choices and not let one cheat meal turn into a cheat weekend. With the fourth of July just around the corner so many of us will be going to cook outs, picnics and parties that will include everything from cookies to adult drinks to greasy burgers loaded with toppings.  

**DO NOT! and I repeat...DO NOT go to a picnic and be that person who turns your nose up at anything that contains more than 5 calories and talks about your diet the whole time and how all the food will make you fat.  Those people aren't fun to be around and you will ruin the mood.  :)  haha

Instead follow these tips that have worked for me over the last year and ENJOY yourself but just remember to not go overboard.  Have fun, relax, enjoy your family and friends....that's what is most important.

1.  Plan ahead - If you know that you will be having a cheat meal on a certain day make sure you follow your meal plan throughout the rest of the day.  Don't use one cheat meal as an excuse to eat whatever you want all day or weekend.  

2. Eat before the picnic - Don't show up starving.  I used to do this and think I would "save room" for all the good food there but I ended up binging on EVERYTHING because I was so hungry.  Now, I eat about an hour before so I'm not super hungry when I get there or I have a shake on the way. 

3. Drink Water - Hunger can disguise itself as thirst so make sure you are still drinking half your body weight in water.  Don't be afraid to take a water bottle with you either.  I have shown up to so many parties with cooler full of pop and juice boxes and I ended up having to drink them because I had no other choice.  Taking a water bottle with you will make sure you have something to drink. 

4. Take a healthy appetizer - Offer to bring a healthy option.  Chances are other people will be looking for something lighter also.  Bringing a healthy choice ensures you will be able to find at least one thing to eat if you are really concerned.  Fruit salad is a great option because it's popular and easy to make.

5. Don't skip your workout - I know for me, if I work out first thing in the morning it is easier to stay on track all day.  If I skip my workout, it turns into a free for all.  A 30 minute workout is 2% of your day so make sure you schedule it into your day.  You can go for a run or take Beachbody on Demand and stream your workout from any device if you are traveling.  

Have a great weekend!  Here are some easy recipes from Beachbody 


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