Thursday, July 14, 2016

When it's way too hot to cook.... we grill!

So, lately in my neck of the woods it has been in the upper 80's and low 90's with what seems like 1000% humidity!  When it is that hot it's not even an option to turn on the oven or the stove to make dinner.  

The solution.... grilling out.  

We are usually a turkey burger or hot sausage family but after Jason has had burgers for 5 of the last 6 nights I knew that wasn't going to fly.  I looked in the fridge to see what I had and saw peppers and a squash and immediately though - KABOBS!

These are super simple and don't take any time to cook.  I just cut all the veggies and put them into one bowl, then cubed a steak and pulled the tails off the shrimp and threw them in another bowl with some marinade and then started building.

Try to make sure your veggie chunks and meat chunks are about the same size so everything is done cooking at the same time. 

1 yellow squash
1 onion
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1 orange pepper

1 pound of jumbo shrimp (I pulled the tails off before cooking)
2 pounds of quality steak that was about 1" thick

Worcestershire Sauce
Low Sodium Soy Sauce
Onion Powder
Balsamic Vinegar

I just eyeballed the marinade but made about 1/2 cup of it and just stirred the meat around. 

**NOTE: if you use wooden skewers make sure to soak them in water for a long time.  I have (several times) had the skewers catch on fire and char because I didn't soak them long enough.  I think I will be investing in some metal ones for next time. 

I also brushed the kabobs with a small amount of olive oil to make sure they didn't stick to the grill or char as well. 

Grill on medium for about 15 minutes (grilling time will vary depending on size of veggie chunks and how well you like your steak done, just make sure the shrimp is fully cooked) and flip once.  

For 21 Day Fix : (depending on how much you put on each skewer, I did mine the following way) 

2 skewers =
1 red
2 green

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