Sunday, July 10, 2016

Does clean eating really work?

This was a question I always wondered.  My body seems to react much better to my food intake vs. exercise for weight loss.  However, it always seemed like I have to starve myself to get the results I want which we all know isn't healthy.  This past week I participated in a 5 day Clean Eating Challenge.  It was simple - no processed food, no sugar, lots of water and lots of fruits, veggies and lean protein.  

Now, coming off a holiday weekend where I overindulged in margaritas and carb loaded may have helped my results but I was still blown away by how much by body changed in just FIVE days. I didn't get on the scale because I really didn't want to see the number and have it ruin my day or make me feel like I could overindulge so I went by measurements.   In those 5 days I lost a total of 6 inches from my stomach and hips.  Our whole group lost a combined total of 33.5 inches in five days! Most of these results were also with minimal exercise.  

I felt so much better and it was so easy to stick to (for the most part).  I didn't feel starved or deprived, it really made me aware of the choices I was making and the accountability of the group make me want to push through.  

Eating out is always a struggle for me.  I walk in to the restaurant with the best intentions of making healthy choices but it usually goes out the window when I order because I feel it's a "treat" or that I have earned that order of fries.  But, this time I stuck to my guns!  I ordered my usual but opted for no bun and a side of fresh fruit instead of the french fries.  I left feeling full but not that OMG I need to lay down or go jog full (like usual). 

I am getting ready to kick off our July bootcamp on Monday and I am more determined than ever to really stick to the meal plan for 21 days.  I mean, I did it for 5 so I can do it for 21 :)   

Your body really does react to what you put in it, Stay tuned for the latest results!!!

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