Monday, July 18, 2016

What is this Country Heat thing?

Do you like Country Music?
Do you like to dance?
Do you need to add some pizzazz to your cardio?
Do you DISLIKE working out because you hate squats and burpees?
Do you dread your workouts because they aren't fun?

No matter if you answered yes to all of those questions or none of them, this program could be for you!

Beachbody is releasing a BRAND NEW fitness program on July 28th 2016 to the network!  COUNTRY HEAT is going to rock your world!  I wasn't super excited when I first heard about this program because as much as I love country music, I am not really into line dancing!! That changed after I did the first sneak peek available to us in June.  It was so fun that I was dripping in sweat and didn't even realize 30 minutes had passed.  Plus, the next day I was SORE!!  

I am so excited for this program to launch!  I am going to be helping a group of people from beginning to end get amazing results!  I will help share tips, recipes, meal plans and be there every step of the way for the full 30 days :) or longer if you want to keep going!

It's not just for the ladies ;)

So WHAT is this program?

Country Heat is a high-energy, low-impact, country dance inspired workout created by Autumn Calabrese. It's so simple anyone can do it, and so much fun you'll barely notice you're dropping pounds while getting a great total-body workout.  It's an easy-to-follow, 30-day fitness program that combines 5 high-energy, cardio-based dance workouts, 1 dance conditioning workout, and the portion-control Eating Plan to maximize weight loss and achieve a toned, tightened body in just 30 minutes a day. Plus all Country Heat songs are set to the hottest country music, with songs that you've probably heard on the radio. Not only did Autumn Calabrese pick these songs for their popularity, she specifically matched her moves to the faster and slower beats to create the perfect interval training within each routine. The result? A fired-up metabolism that burns maximum calories and fat!

Autumn Calabrese... does that name sound familiar?  She is the mastermind behind the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, Fixate Cookbook and the Chisel in The Master's Hammer & Chisel.  

Why is Country Heat effective?

It's a fun, easy-to-follow dance workout that ANYONE can do—in just 30 minutes a day for 30 days! 

Diets don't work when you feel deprived! So Autumn is including her foolproof, portion-control containers to help you lose weight while still enjoying your favorite foods. No calorie counting, special foods, or eating at home all the time. 

Autumn's easy-to-use Eating Plan shows you how to use your portion-control containers to create easy, delicious recipes— with foods you love—in just the right portions to reach your weight-loss goals.

No choreography to memorize, no equipment required and easy to follow moves.

Who can do Country Heat?

Literally....ANYONE!  From someone who is just starting out on their health journey to someone who is a 21 Day Fix Extreme graduate.  Any size, any age, any fitness level! People who love Zumba or just dancing in general.  It's great for people wanting results in 30 day! But you can keep going for as long as you want! One person in the test group lost 60 pounds in 90 days!!! 

Do you want to make a lifestyle check but have no idea where to start?  This is for you! 

Do you get overwhelmed by the thought of memorizing choreography and having to put a bunch of moves together?  You won't have to in Country Heat!

This workout is great for people who have tried and failed at complicated diets and exercise programs.  The reason is that its easy to follow the portion controlled container system and you have ME as your coach to guide you every single step of the way!  I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and stick with the workouts from beginning to end.  Plus the workouts are fun and you don't even know you are working out!!!  

What will you get with the program?

- 6 workouts on 3 DVDs in 30 minutes or less. They also include breakdowns of all the moves if you have two left feet.

-7 Color coded portion controlled containers to efficiently help you portion out your food for each food group.

-Country Heat Nutrition Plan which is an easy to follow guide that has recipes, tips, and more to help you get results.

-30 Days of Shakeology in any flavor 

-Quickstart Guide- This is a simple 3 step guide that preps you for your fitness journey by giving you the low down on the nutrition plan and workouts.

-30 Day Calendar so that you know exactly what workouts to do in what order to maximize your results.

-Plus when you get the challenge pack you get access to Country Heat On Demand which means unlimited access to stream Country Heat and all the other workouts to any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device.  So you can start your workouts the minute you make your purchase - no waiting for the post man.

Does this sound like what you have been looking for?

Did you know you can get it right here from me?  

Plus I am going to be launching my first Exclusive COUNTRY HEAT TEST GROUP on Monday August 8th!   You can get personal mentoring, guidance and support from me in a closed online accountability and support group! No pressure or judgement!  I am going to basically walk you through the entire program from beginning to end.  I will teach you how to create meal plans, make healthier choices and create a lifestyle that will stick for life! 

I will be there to help you stay accountable, to track your food, to keep you motivated when you are not feeling it!  My job is to be your support system and sounding board!  I don't want this to be another program you invest in and don't complete!  This time it will be different!! TRUST ME!!

All you need to do is get your name on the list to be the FIRST to know about the program launch!

If you DO NOT HAVE A COACH the first step is to make me your FREE COACH.  Click here to sign up for free.  If you already have a coach that you work with please reach out to your coach for details on their launch groups!

If you are ready to get started and finally get the results you have been wishing for fill out this form and I will be in touch :)   I am looking for people who are dedicated, committed and ready to make a healthy change.   There are a limited number of spots in this exclusive group so make sure you reserve yours today, it will fill up fast!!

  • Do you currently have a Beachbody Coach? *
  • --
  • Do you currently own a Beachbody program? Check all that apply. *
  • Have you tried Shakeology? *
  • //Pick a date.

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