Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wanna BET on your Health??

Maybe you're feeling BLAH and uninspired because the stress of changing seasons, adjusting to you OR your kiddos returning to classes, or maybe you just are feeling LAZY AND UNMOTIVATED! {Ain't no shame in that, we've all been there!!!} So, I have an awesome idea for you to keep you motivated starting next month and to win some freaking MONAYYY!!

GET THIS: You need to join me in Beachbody's FIRST EVER - HEALTH BET! Beachbody is putting in $1,000,000 into the pot that you could win JUST for working out and getting results and logging it on our My Challenge Tracker App!!! YESSS, you read that right! BUT keep reading because it gets even better....

So, for every ADDITIONAL Challenge Pack sold (shakeology + a fitness program) they are donating up to $3,000,000 to be split evenly to anyone who posts 3 workout check-ins a week, and 5 pictures of their shakeology a week for FOUR weeks starting September 5th and ending October 2nd.

DUDE, it is so easy, and what's more is that so many people just WON'T do it, but you literally will win SOME amount of money if you just commit to doing it! Maybe it's $100 maybe it's a million lol, but for real, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!

So, to get started with us, you'll just need to either dust off a program OR get a new one with your purchase of Shakeology. You MUST be using Shakeology to join, and what's AWESOME is you can get ALL of the following programs for JUST $10 with your Shakeology this month: T25, Hammer & Chisel, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, PiYo, Cize, Country Heat {BRAND NEW}, Turbo Fire, P90x, P90X3, or 22 Minute Hard Corps! For real, you have NOTHING to lose other than pounds and MONEY to win!

If you're down to join me and win some MOOLAH--- FILL OUT THIS FORM and I will send you the invite, but you MUST have a Beachbody program and 30 days worth of Shakeology to join ushttp://bit.ly/dm87fit

This is only open to new customers or if I am ALREADY your coach :).  If you have a different coach please contact them to join their Health Bet Challenge.

Hope to hear from y'all soon! <3


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