Saturday, September 10, 2016

My struggle with food

I finished up Country Heat on Tuesday.  I LOVED it, it was so much fun.  I was really skeptical that I would enjoy just dancing for 30 days and not lifting weights but the workouts were fast, and still really worked your legs. I nailed the workouts and was consistent ALL 30 days of the program, but where I bombed was the eating.  That has been a struggle for me since I was a teenager.  The only time I ever really stuck to the meal plans and all the containers was my first round of the 21 Day Fix.
I know I can't be alone in this! I do really good the first week but then I will cave into temptation and overdo my yellow or blue containers and then it seems like I just plunge into a big spiral of bad eating.  This round the last week was a real struggle for me, I feel like I am letting all of my challengers down and most importantly myself.   I am the person who can workout everyday and not lose a pound but I can eat healthy for a week and lost 5 so it makes me even madder at myself that I can't stick to it when it's such a crucial part of my results.

On Monday I am starting the 30 Chisel Program from The Masters Hammer & Chisel.  I am COMMITTING to finish the program from start to finish and successfully follow the meal plan.  I am tired of being mad at myself for cheat days. Do you want to do it with me??  I could use all the support and accountability I can get.

Wanna be my accountability buddy :

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