Sunday, December 18, 2016

How I Stay On Track During The Holidays

Last year was the first year since I was about 18 that I didn't gain 10 pounds over Christmas.  The reason...I finally figured out how to have a healthy balance and found a routine that worked for me.  I completely understand how crazy life can get before Christmas and how easy it is for your good intentions to go right out the window.  

Here are some tips that have worked for me and help me stay sane and on track during the holidays.  

1.  Create a plan.  Every week I make a meal plan and schedule in my workouts.  When it's all written out in front of me it's so much easier for me to stay accountable.  Here is my actual meal plan for this week.  Christmas morning we always have brunch with cinnamon rolls so I just plan for that day.  I will make sure I have my Shakeology for lunch instead of breakfast and I will eat really clean the rest of the day.  

I also don't skip my workouts, I am in between programs right now so I am checking out the new workouts for the 21 Day Fix and Country Heat that are on Beachbody on Demand and adding things in to keep my workouts going.  

I don't make the workouts something I HAVE to do and then dread them. I noticed I make better choices when I have already gotten my workout in and a good sweat session just makes me feel better, my mind clearer and stronger. 

2.  Limit alcohol for parties or special occasions.  I love a glass of wine or a margarita but they are empty calories.  An occasions glass is fine but one or two every night is a sure fire way to pack on a few unwanted pounds pretty quickly.  Also, make sure to alternate alcohol and water so you stay hydrated as well. 
3.  Choose smaller plates.  Those huge dinner plates can allow you to go way over on portions and not even realize it.  Often times its all visual too, we can put a lot less food on a 9" dinner plate instead of a 12" plate and still feel satisfied because our brains see a full plate.   But don't choose too small of a plate and you could feel deprived and go back for seconds when you aren't really hungry.   For example: last night we went to a Christmas party and I used the salad plate for my meat, potatoes, veggies and pasta and used the later dinner plate to make a big salad.   I still was full, but I loaded up on salad instead of alfredo and cheesy potatoes. 

4. Get enough sleep.  Sleep is so important and a lot of people don't get enough.  Sleep deprivation can make you feel hungrier.  It also will keep you from mindlessly snacking late at night. 

5.  If you are going to a party, bring a healthier option.  Offer to bring something you enjoy and won't feel guilty about enjoying.  Most times, you aren't the only one watching what you are eating and people will be grateful for a healthier option to try.   Another tip is to eat before you go.  That way you don't show up starving and reach for anything and everything.  My go-to is my Shakeology before a party.  It curbs my sweet cravings and fills me up enough to not want to gorge myself.  

6.  Remember this is a lifestyle and not a quick diet.  It's ok to splurge and enjoy yourself in balance and moderation.  Small steps everyday will add up to larger results and get you to your goal.  By not going overboard over the holidays just think of how much further you will be ahead in the New Year.  Don't try to lose weight over the holidays, your aim to maintain and make good choices. 

7. If you feel like you way overdid it, a detox may be the perfect way for your to jump start your January health goals.  My favorite is the 3 Day Refresh - it's a 3 day vegan cleanse that leaves you feeling refreshed, re-energized and less bloated and blah. 

 If you are ready to make a change in the New Year and would like some accountability after the holidays make sure to join my for my No Resolutions...Just Results group starting January 2nd.  

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