Monday, December 12, 2016

The Beachbody Health Bet Is BACK!!

Guess what!!! The cat is out of the bag!  The Beachbody Health Bet returns in January!!  AND they are guaranteeing a minimum of $2 million in the pot.  

Let's be honest...

--> Did you overdo it over the holidays?  
--> Are you ready to get back on track and get back on the wagon?
--> Do you want to get paid to do so?

Let's do it together! Join me in the No Resolutions, Just Results Support & Accountability Group that runs from January 2nd - February 5th.  With the first week being all about prepping and getting ready to crush it!

PLUS The Healthbet is back! Which means that Beachbody has reserved a HUGE pot of cash for those who commit to a fitness program, drinking Shakeology once a day and log into the support group at least four times a week.  

How awesome is it to get rewarded for staying accountable and making healthy choices?!

Spots will fill up quick so make sure you reserve your spot ASAP. to guarantee you are in the group and get a piece of the moo-lah!

Apply here:::: and I will be in touch within 24 hours. 

Also, here is the event page on Facebook for even more info.

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