Monday, January 9, 2017

Week 1 of my January group

Happy Monday!!!!  

Today I kick off my January challenge group with an amazing group of people who are ready to get healthy.  With the new All-Access pass from Beachbody On Demand I couldn't decide which program I wanted to start with but finally decided on The Masters Chisel - it's a 30 day program adapted from The Masters Hammer & Chisel.  I was missing my weights after doing Core De Force so Im really pumped to get back into it. 

My goals this month are to (1) not miss any workouts!  I am very guilty of letting something get in the way and I miss a day here or there.  and (2) sticking to the meal plan to a T!  again, this is my biggest challenge because I often feel like I earned an extra carb or healthy fat.  The programs are designed to be this way for a reason.  Stick to it Danielle!!  

I have my meal plan done and I woke up this morning and crushed my first workout.  I had good intentions of waking up at 6am and pressing play but somehow that turned into snoozing for an hour.  Honestly, the only reason I woke up that early was because Max was making gagging/puke sounds in the living room and I didn't want dog vomit all over my carpet so I jumped out of bed. 

Thank goodness for energize because I chugged it and by the time I was changed into workout clothes I was awake and ready.  

Here we go!!!!! Stay tuned!!!

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