Sunday, January 15, 2017

Getting ready for week two of 30 Day Chisel

Week 1 is done!  I really missed lifting weights and my body is SORE!  I am super proud of myself for not skipping any workouts though.  That is where I really struggle a lot of the time - I miss one workout and then it snow balls into missing another one or another one and then a week has passed.  My goal for this month was to be laser focused and just stick to it!   

The eating part is always a work in progress.  I do great at the 80/20 lifestyle but I do love my margaritas! And blue containers lol, I could easily not eat any yellows all day but I would eat like 5 blues.  AHHHH the struggle is real. Meal prepping and having a plan are life savers for me.  

So here I go, starting week 2.  Feeling stronger, and better than ever.  Our Beachbody Health bet is getting ready to kick off the second week as well and it's going amazing! I am so proud of all my clients who are making healthy changes and taking it one day at a time. 

Do you need an accountability buddy??  Join my next group!!

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