Sunday, October 2, 2016

Time to get serious!! Back on the 21 Day Fix

September was sort of a crap shoot.  I had good intentions of staying on track but after finished Country Heat in August, I thought I would just wing it in September and that didn't work at all.

My eating was more like 50/50 instead of 80/20 and my workouts were less than impressive.  So tomorrow Jason and I are cracking down and starting the 21 Day Fix and we are hitting it HARD.  I have our meal plan ready for the week, the food is prepped and in the fridge and I am ready to feel better, stronger and healthier.  I struggle so much with having one bad day and then it turns into a bad week, then a bad month and so on.  So we are doing this together, plus my support group starting October 10th will be even more accountability.

Meal Plan for the week

I do better when I keep it really simple, so I stick with what works.  I figure out our dinners and then I eat very basic the rest of the day.  I always have my Shakeology for breakfast because that is my one non-negotiable for the day but sometimes lunch is light and then I have a snack mid afternoon.  I really just listen to my body and eat when it tells me I am hungry.

Going back the 21 Day Fix is actually really exciting for me.  It's the program that started it all and it's so easy to follow that I know it will help me get back on track and drop the few pounds of "fluff" I have put on over the summer.   

Do you need accountability also?  Let's do it together!  I have a group starting October 10th and I will help you reach your goals and stay on track with your workouts and nutrition.   Plus, I am entering everyone who joins by October 3rd into a raffle for a FIXATE cookbook which is loaded with recipes that are ALL approved to eat on the program.  Shoot me an email if you want more information or fill out this form.

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