Thursday, December 14, 2017

It's HERE! 80 Day Obsession is available for PRE SALE!!!!

WHOO HOO!!!!  IT’S HERE!!!!!!

Today is the DAY.  I am so excited for you to be able to experience the 80 Day Obsession!! This program isn’t about being obsessed with working out, that is not healthy or fun – it’s about seeing YOURSELF as a priority. Your family, your friends, and everyone else around you will be happiest if YOU are happy and take some time to care for yourself.  This program is going to be a game changer for SO MANY people.  I know its going to transform your mind, your body and you are going to realize that you are capable of really stepping up your fitness results.  I am so excited to be doing it right along WITH you. 

My 80 Day Obsession Challenge Group will be starting workouts on January 15th. I’m going to help you out with the timed nutrition, designing meal plans, sticking with your workouts, answering questions, and focusing on YOURSELF! We will be in this TOGETHER.  

Fill out the application at the bottom of this post to RESERVE YOUR SPOT!

The program does not OFFICIALLY become available in the Beachbody On Demand Library until January 15th, but you will be able to pre-purchase your package starting on December 14th. You will have access on January 8th to the nutrition plan (timed nutrition).  If you have been with Beachbody for awhile, you know that you can get some programs on DVD. The 80 Day Obsession will NOT launch on DVD and will only be available to stream with Beachbody on Demand.

Reserve YOUR Spot In My FIRST 80 Day Obsession Group TODAY!

If you are ready to reserve your spot in my small 80 Day Obsession group – complete the application below to apply.
In this group each participant MUST commit to:

-Showing up daily and participating in the group.

-Following the timed nutrition plan for your body type and goals.

-Replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group.

**highly recommended but optional is the Performance line supplements.

-I must be your assigned coach.

This is a BETA TEST GROUP which means you will be the FIRST to go through the program!  You have the opportunity to win $500+ for completing the program and submitting your results plus you have the opportunity to become a Beachbody Challenge Winner and earn additional money for your transformation.  I am looking for people that are seriously committed to rocking this program and your results.  We will START on the 8th of January with our prep week and then on the 15th of January with day 1.

In the meantime… the group has been created and we are preparing for the launch!!!!!


What Are The Package Options?

If you are a NEW customer…

Mega Challenge Pack (BEST VALUE) 

The only way to get the best results is to feed your body with the best fuel you can give it. This challenge pack includes EVERYTHING you need for the entire duration of the program – plus you save $275.  I will be honest…. if you are wondering why you need the performance line- I will tell you this!  You will be SORE, you will want to refuel with the Beachbody performance line because they are QUALITY supplements, they work amazing and they will give you FUEL before your workout and they will replenish afterwards to maximize your results!  Definitely worth every single penny!  I have been drinking energize for the past year 15 minutes before I press play and it really does give me a nice little boost to be able to crush my workout without the jitters!  After your workout, within an hour of finishing I will drink recover which helps to EASE sore muscles, replenish what I broke down during the intense workout and get ready for the next workout!!!
Shakeology on Home Direct
2 tubs of Energize
4 tubs of Recover
2 resistance bands
Sliders and booties
Portion Fix system
Shaker cup
Intro guide & calendar
1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand which includes 80 Day Obsession program & all other Beachbody Fitness Programs & nutrition guides.

Combo Challenge Pack

Are you ready to get this party started? This challenge pack includes everything you need to start out the program. And you get to save $200!  The difference is if you just want to try out energize and recover for the first time you get 1x orders vs. enough supplements for the entire program.
Shakeology on Home Direct
1 tub of Energize
1 tub of Recover
2 resistance bands
Sliders and booties
Portion Fix system
Shaker cup
Intro guide & calendar
1 year subscription to Beachbody on Demand

If you are a CURRENT customer…

Mega Completion Pack

This is the mother of all packages! It seriously offers the best value. You get everything you need for the program (assuming you already have BOD) AND you save $205.  If you are about to expire your Beachbody ON Demand or you don’t have it—>  Check the packages above!!!
Shakeology on Home Direct
2 tubs of Energize
4 tubs of Recover
2 resistance bands
Sliders and booties
Portion Fix system
Shaker cup
Intro guide & calendar

Combo Completion Pack
Are you ready to get re-engaged? Then this package is for you. Save $130 and get ready for 80 days of obsession!!
Shakeology on Home Direct
1 tub of Energize
1 tub of Recover
2 resistance bands
Sliders and booties
Portion Fix system
Shaker cup
Intro guide & calendar

And a special bonus…

Beachbody is offering a pre-launch discount! If you order your 80 Day Obsession challenge pack between December 14th and January 14th, you’ll automatically get $10 off!  If you sign up as a coach (either just for the discount or to work the business) You will also receive access to an EXCLUSIVE test group with 80 Day Obsession creator Autumn Calabrese.

  • Do you currently have a Beachbody Coach? *
  • What do you feel is your current fitness level? *
  • Do you have access to Beachbody On Demand All-Access currently?
  • Are you interested in being part of my support & accountability group when 80 Day Obsession launches? *

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Want to workout with a buddy? Introducing DOUBLE TIME

Tony Horton is BACK!  You know him from P90X and 22 Minute Hard Corps but now he is bringing fitness to the whole family! COMING OCTOBER 31, 2017 Tony is here with DOUBLE TIME.

What is Double Time? Double Time is the first 30-day partner workout program from Beachbody® and legendary Super Trainer, Tony Horton. Designed with families in mind, it’s a fun way for you and a partner (like your spouse, a friend, or your kid) to exercise and eat yummy, healthy food as a team—all while sharing some one-on-one time!

What makes Double Time unique? You could do any fitness program next to another person. But with Double Time, you actually have to work together to complete the moves in each workout. Not only will you get into better shape, but you’ll also get the chance to connect with that person while doing something new, laughing, and just having a great time! 

Why work out with a partner? Studies show that you’re way more likely to succeed with a fitness routine when you do it with another person. That’s why Double Time is so effective! When you have someone who’s working out with you every day (and who is committed to eating healthier), you’ll have way more motivation to make healthier choices. And that means you’re more likely to stay consistent and stick with the program. 

Who is Double Time for
Men and women of any age or fitness level: With simple, playful moves and a modifier to follow if you’re just getting into fitness, anyone can do Double Time workouts. You and your partner don’t need to be at the same fitness level. With Double Time, each of you can go at your own pace and still get a great workout. 

People who need more accountability to help them complete a program:  Every workout requires two people and a bit of teamwork, giving you extra motivation and accountability to stay consistent with daily exercise. 

People who want to spend more time with their kids (ages 8 & up): doing something healthy together With Double Time, you can team up with your child and teach them the importance of exercise with a workout that feels more like play and less like work! You can also start teaching them the value of a healthy diet with simple nutrition tips and kid-friendly recipes from the Eating Plan.


4 strength and cardio workouts Using a ball and some good old-fashioned teamwork, you and your partner will sweat it out together with fun yet challenging cardio and resistance moves that can be modified or dialed up in intensity. 

1 core workout: Abracadabra Feel the magic as you and your partner sweat and laugh your way to stronger, flatter abs. 

1 active recovery workout: Recess All play makes this active recovery workout a blast— and hands down the best way to loosen up and improve flexibility. 

BONUS WORKOUT: Funapalooza Packed with playful cardio moves, this is one sweat fest you’ll actually look forward to. (Available for Beachbody On Demand members only.) 

BONUS WORKOUT: Power Partners Tony double dog dares you to take on more strengthbuilding moves—all while having a ball! (Available for Beachbody On Demand members only.) 

Fitness Tools:
Eating Guide- Filled with simple tips and kid-friendly recipes, this guide will help you and your partner get on board with better nutrition. It also includes the Double Time Weight-Loss Plan to help fast-track your transformation. 

Start Here Guide- Get started with the Double Time program in just 3 super-simple steps. 

Workout Calendar -This handy calendar helps you stay on track by showing you which workouts to do each day for 30 days.

You can get this program with either Shakeology OR Daily Sunshine for the kiddos.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Introducing CLEAN WEEK - The Start of a Healthy Lifestyle

This post goes out to all of you who follow me and my fitness journey but are not quite sure you want to commit to a full month of clean eating, 30 minute exercises, meal planning, and starting a new lifestyle!! I totally understand – it looks super overwhelming in the beginning, but I PROMISE it gets easier and I am by your side every step of the way!!  I absolutely love clean eating and I started my journey to improving my health 2 years ago!  I can say that I have learned so much and really transitioned into a healthy lifestyle that I am able to maintain for the long term.  I am really excited to share with you a brand new tool to help you start understanding the basics of clean eating, introducing yourself to exercise with under 30 minutes a day just 4x a week and a sampler of Shakeology.

The good news is Beachbody’s newest program, CLEAN WEEK, launched October 3rd and it lets you “try on” a healthy lifestyle for just 7 days, no strings attached!!! 
Clean Week is only one week long and will show you how easy it is to make healthy choices and give you the confidence to take the next step. The best part? You do not have to fully commit to an entire challenge pack. This option allows you to sample the program for a week, to help you test out the products and be a part of my support & accountability group so I can teach you how to plan and prep, keep you motivated and share some of my tips and tools with you!

Who is Clean Week for?

This is a great program for beginners and those who have tried a fitness program and failed or haven’t started because they’re afraid to fail. You know you need to make a change, but you’re not sure where to start – Clean Week is your answer! If you want to dip your toes into health and fitness without diving in, this is the perfect program for you!!

We are all afraid to start something new.  Life is about taking risks and seeing where it will take you.  You have no idea what you are capable until you put your mind to it. You can’t be afraid to give something a try, what’s the worst thing that could happen?  You may have to take extra water breaks or push pause to give yourself some breathing room.  But what are the rewards at the end of the day?
You can look back and say, “I did that”! You can show people your new body, you can wear clothes you’ve been wanting to wear for a long time.  You can pull out that bathing suit that has been hanging in the back of the closet!  The possibilities are endless!  When you feel good about your body, it will show in every aspect of your life!  Other people will see your beauty radiating from within and your positive body image will reflect on others.  You can help end the trend of obesity just by saying “yes” I want to face my fear of failure and prove myself wrong! There is no room for excuses!

How does Clean Week work? 
Clean Week is a 7-day fitness and nutrition program designed to introduce you to a healthy lifestyle with new super trainer Megan Davies. You will get 4 workouts, a step-by-step meal planner, and a week’s supply of delicious Shakeology.

The Workouts

Clean Week comes with four 30-minute workouts: cardio, strength, core function, and flexibility. These workouts will be available for FREE on Beachbody on Demand starting October 3rd. You do not need to be a member to access these workouts. The only equipment required is a set of dumbbells for the strength workout. There will be an intensifier available if you want to kick up your workout a notch!!

The Nutrition Plan

There is NO calorie counting in this program!! You will receive a step-by-step meal planner that breaks it all down for you with delicious, nutritious foods and a sample supply of Shakeology. Packed with all the nutrients, vitamins, and protein that you need, Shakeology will help curb your cravings and boost your immunity. The regular Shakeology sampler comes with 2 packets of chocolate, 2 packets of vanilla, 2 packets of cafe latte, and 1 packet of strawberry. There is also a vegan Shakeology sampler available.

The Support and Accountability

The best part of Clean Week is the support and accountability you get from my Challenge Group! In a closed Facebook group starting on October 9th, I will provide you with daily motivation, tips, tricks, and everything you need  to make it through the week successfully!! I am going to be adding you to my closed online accountability and support group to give you daily tips, motivation, accountability and more.

Can one week really make a difference?

YES!!! This is the first step in making better choices and building better habits. If you stick with the program for the full 7 days, you will start to see and feel changes in your body. Plus you will increase your confidence and you’ll be ready to continue your fitness journey!!!

If you are interested,  please fill out the application below!!

Monday, August 28, 2017

What Has Danielle Been Up To Lately??

I realized it has been MONTHS since I made a post on here which is TERRIBLE! The past few months have been crazy insane.  I dealt with a huge break up, a move, lots of traveling and really taking time to enjoy life and find MYSELF.  

Dynamic Detail aka. Buddy
He's the BEST horse in the whole world 💗

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to show an amazing horse this summer.  It felt great to get back into the show pen after about 4 years.  Horses are definitely something that will always be in my blood and it's so therapeutic for me to be in the barn and we have an incredible barn family to hang with. 

Buddy enjoyed the complimentary wine

I also got to head to Charlotte and visit my sister like 4 times! YAYYYY for sister time.  I attended my first professional golf tournament and it wasn't as lame as I expected (actually pretty fun despite being 9000 degrees out), went white water rafting for the first time and enjoyed time with good friends and family. 

Line Dancing with my seesta

PGA Championship
LOVE her!

I also spent ALOT of time on the lake and the golf courses.  Two things I didn't even know I enjoyed, I also discovered I get very seasick so motion sickness medicine is a MUST but it's seriously the most relaxing place.   As for the golf course....there aren't any tournament titles in my future but I am an excellent ball finder and putter from about 8" away.  

I caught the biggest one!
So peaceful

I can't believe it's already September but I am now in the planning stages of making a permanent move to the Charlotte area.  I'm super nervous but also really excited to see what the future holds.  I am not a snow or cold weather person so I think I will handle winter much better down there when I can wear a sweatshirt instead of a down feather parka.  I turned 3o in June and I'm prepared to make it the BEST year yet. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 2 Of The Ultimate Reset

Well Jason and I survived another week.  Week 2 of the Ultimate Reset is DONE.  This week we went completely vegan and I really enjoyed it.  I have a ton of energy, I don't miss my coffee and caffeine at all, I am waking up earlier and easier (not snoozing for an hour).  The menu was pretty simple this week.  We had a fruit plate for breakfast everyday which is A-OK with me.  Lunch was mainly salads with seeds, veggies and avocado.  Dinner was a mix of squash and veggies, a quinoa-lentil salad, baked sweet potatoes, and other things like that.  The one meal Jason and I agree was gross was the Roasted Red Pepper and Sweet Potato Bisque.  He isn't a soup person and I really had to just drink it and get it down.

I felt great digestive system wise but he has been feeling really bloated and uncomfortable all week.  They say that is common in week two because you are taking the detox supplement and your body is really starting to get rid of the junk.  The power greens supplement is getting much easier to take, just chug it with a big straw and I'm golden.

Things were going along just great until DAY 13!  It hit my like a brick wall! I was craving sweets and fried foods like a crazy person.  I'm sure it didn't help that I have been watching cake decorating videos on youtube so I really want a cupcake but it happens.  The guide also says you can have some emotional detoxing during this period and boy did that happen.  I was crying, miserable, just in a total funk.   And then it happened!! We had a pint of Ben & Jerry's Cough Dough ice cream in the freezer and I went through and picked all the cookie dough pieces out.  That was a huge mistake and I felt so guilty and like I had wasted the last two weeks.  I almost immediately got a headache and all day felt just foggy and I truly believe it was from the sugar.  Then for dinner we ordered out, Jason really wanted a cheeseburger and kept saying that one cheat meal wouldn't kill us and I really wanted french fries so Im not going to say I put up much of a fight.  I had a veggie burger with spinach, avocado, onions, and cucumber ranch...not the WORST but I also had fries.   I have never realized how JUST how much your food affects how you feel.  I felt so blah and icky with a headache all Saturday night.  It really was eye-opening to start really listening to my body and paying attention.  It is such a mental obstacle.  I wasn't even truly hungry...I just wanted food.

So cheat day and all we picked up, dusted ourselves off and are ready to tackle the 3rd and final week.  This week is basically all fruits and veggies.  I am committed to completing it 100% and doing this for me and a feeling of self accomplishment.  Luckily these meals are very similar to what I normally eat but really being on track is helping me a lot!  Here we go!!

Want to check out the Ultimate Reset??

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 1 of the Ultimate Reset is DONE

So Jason and I officially finished the first week of the Ultimate Reset.  It wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  The first few days were pretty easy and then day 3 the muscle soreness started hitting.  I had trouble sleeping because my legs were cramping and my back hurt which they did saw was normal because your body is starting to release toxins.  By the end of day 5 though I was feeling totally fine and back to normal.  

I have noticed I am waking up with a lot more energy even without drinking coffee.  My brain fog isn't as bad either which is great.  It's been great having a set schedule for eating and when to take the supplements. I have also noticed I am much more "regular" sorry TMI but it's true.  Jason is already down 7 pounds in the first week!! 

Breakfast a few of the days.  Oatmeal with blueberries, walnuts and maple syrup.  DELISH!

The second week we cut out animal proteins so this will be interesting to see if I stay full as well.  So far this first week I wasn't hungry at all.  We did tweak the meal plan a little to allow for what we needed to use up in the fridge so we went off the Reset In A Crunch meal plan which is a great feature if you don't want to cook a different meal every night. 

Want to check out the Ultimate Reset??

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

My first 2 days of the Ultimate Reset

One of the programs Beachbody offers is the Ultimate Reset.  It is a 3 week detox and total body cleanse.  I have wanted to do it for about a year but to be honest, I was scared.  I have trouble sticking to the 21 Day Fix meal plan without cheating for 3 weeks and this program comes with a very specific meal plan and supplement routine.  

With my coaching trip to Punta Cana in a month and some extra winter fluff I would like to lose I decided to make the leap and try it.  Luckily, Jason is doing it with me and a friend is also doing it so I have lots of support for this journey.  

Day 1 wasn't as bad as I was expecting.  I am tired but I don't know if that is from the reset or just cuz I am always tired haha.  But I didn't really miss my coffee in the morning.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs, spinach and toast which was very filling and I actually wasn't hungry until lunch time.  You do drink a ton of water during this so that was a struggle for me to get all my water in.   For lunch we had greek chicken salads that were HUGE! Literally so much food, neither Jason or I could finish them.  

Then as I was thinking this reset wasn't so bad....the afternoon Power Greens hit!  It is definitely the worst part but if you chug it fast it's not so bad. 

Dinner was again huge!  Baked chicken in a pesto marinade with steamed asparagus and boiled potatoes.  For the second time on the first day Jason asked if this was really a detox because we were eating so much.  

I went to bed feeling pretty good.  I was very proud of myself for making it through day 1. 

Then today.... we started day 2.  I slept so great and woke up feeling good.  Breakfast was oatmeal with blueberries and greek yogurt sweetened with maple syrup. YUM I could eat that every morning.  I started to miss my coffee today, not necessarily the coffee or the caffeine but the warm cup and the routine in the morning. I did start to get a headache in the afternoon which I am not sure if it's from coffee withdrawal.  I normally drank 2-3 cups a day but still it's not anything like what I expected. 

Lunch was another greek chicken salad and I even made them smaller today and Jason and I still couldn't finish them all.  About half way through the afternoon I was chatting with my friend and we were talking about all the water we had to drink...then we discovered that a gallon of water is NOT in fact 64 hours but instead 128 ounces.  I would have sworn that there were 64 ounces in a gallon so I was drinking too much water.  Kind of relieved about that, my bladder will be glad. 

Dinner tonight was a veggie taco.  When I told Jason he only got 1 taco he gave me a very sad look but after we dished them up and saw how much food it was, he again asked if I was reading the recipes right and that was how much we were supposed to get. ...... Yes, dear!  Tonight I still have a dull headache that I think is from the lack of coffee but I can live with it.  I did take 2 short naps today because I was feeling really tired but overall I feel really great!  Loving the Ultimate Reset so far.  I am really missing my Shakeology though :( they say you can have half of one every now and then for a snack so I will be breaking down I'm sure soon and having one.  I also miss my workouts, but we are encouraged to do yoga, stretch or walk during this.  

I will keep you updated on my week 1, week 2 and final progress !