Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Reeses Smoothie Bowl

I have been watching this "smoothie bowl" phenomenon unfold and they always look so good but they looked so hard to make.   I was challenged to make a smoothie bowl by another coach on our team...and being the competitive person I am...it was GAME ON.  

Tonight for dinner I had this beauty-
It tasted just as delicious and it looks.  And I literally made the recipe up and threw it together.  (LOVE when that happens).

Smoothie Bowl in process :) 


1 scoop/packet vegan (or regular) Chocolate Shakeology
1 small banana, frozen in chunks
4 oz. almond milk
6 ice cubes
1 tsp. natural peanut butter

  1. Blend shakeology, frozen banana, almond milk, ice and pb together in blender.  
  2. Pour into shallow bowl
  3. Top with chopped almonds, dark chocolate and a drizzle of peanut butter

21 Day Fix Counts:

3 tsp (PB and Toppings)

Wanna BET on your Health??

Maybe you're feeling BLAH and uninspired because the stress of changing seasons, adjusting to you OR your kiddos returning to classes, or maybe you just are feeling LAZY AND UNMOTIVATED! {Ain't no shame in that, we've all been there!!!} So, I have an awesome idea for you to keep you motivated starting next month and to win some freaking MONAYYY!!

GET THIS: You need to join me in Beachbody's FIRST EVER - HEALTH BET! Beachbody is putting in $1,000,000 into the pot that you could win JUST for working out and getting results and logging it on our My Challenge Tracker App!!! YESSS, you read that right! BUT keep reading because it gets even better....

So, for every ADDITIONAL Challenge Pack sold (shakeology + a fitness program) they are donating up to $3,000,000 to be split evenly to anyone who posts 3 workout check-ins a week, and 5 pictures of their shakeology a week for FOUR weeks starting September 5th and ending October 2nd.

DUDE, it is so easy, and what's more is that so many people just WON'T do it, but you literally will win SOME amount of money if you just commit to doing it! Maybe it's $100 maybe it's a million lol, but for real, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!

So, to get started with us, you'll just need to either dust off a program OR get a new one with your purchase of Shakeology. You MUST be using Shakeology to join, and what's AWESOME is you can get ALL of the following programs for JUST $10 with your Shakeology this month: T25, Hammer & Chisel, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, PiYo, Cize, Country Heat {BRAND NEW}, Turbo Fire, P90x, P90X3, or 22 Minute Hard Corps! For real, you have NOTHING to lose other than pounds and MONEY to win!

If you're down to join me and win some MOOLAH--- FILL OUT THIS FORM and I will send you the invite, but you MUST have a Beachbody program and 30 days worth of Shakeology to join ushttp://bit.ly/dm87fit

This is only open to new customers or if I am ALREADY your coach :).  If you have a different coach please contact them to join their Health Bet Challenge.

Hope to hear from y'all soon! <3


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Meal Planning Made SIMPLE

Meal planning has never been my strong area.  I didn't understand how people did it, I thought it was something only "fitness competitors who lived on chicken and rice did". Plus it seemed like SOOO MUCH WORK!!  Has anyone else ever been there? 

Let me explain what my weekly grocery store trip looked like "Pre-Beachbody"  -  I would make a list of the normal things I needed for the week like milk, bread and eggs.  Then I would add things we were low and on get the staples like granola bars, snacks and anything else that came to mind.  Then I would go to the store and walk up and down every aisle!  Not shocking, I would get home and have spent twice as much as I planned and have a ton of food.  Most of the time I would think we would eat healthy so I would buy way more produce than we could eat and then I would have to toss it because it would go bad.   (keep in mind I HATE wasting food) 

I just had no game plan, we would get home from the store after spending tons on money and STILL couldn't find anything for dinner because I hadn't actually bought things for meals. 

It was a disaster and this is how I shopped every week!  So embarrassing! 

Now, lets jump to "Post-Beachbody"...   I was desperate for something, anything that would be a quick fix and help me lose weight because, after all, I was the quick fix queen and then when one didn't work I was on the to the next.    So when my coach repeatedly told me the 21 Day Fix wasn't a "diet" but it was a lifestyle change I was like "ya ya ok, we shall see!" haha sorry April!  

Anyway, meal planning was recommended and talked about OVER and OVER and OVER so I decided that I would give it a try and see exactly what it was all about.  Plus I had these cute little color coded tupperware containers now that would make it easier.  

Did it happen overnight? Hell No! I failed...A LOT, but I failed forward and kept trying and getting better because I was actually seeing results for the first time in FOREVER.   Today, 14 months later I make a meal plan EVERY Sunday and then I meal prep because it's a life saver!  So now when I go grocery shopping I have a plan! 

I look at the sales in my area and then find recipes that use the ingredients on sale,  I use an excel spreadsheet to create a template for my meal plan and fill it out for the whole week.  We eat the same thing for a few days, I'm not about to cook every single night. So once the meal plan is done I make my grocery list and then I stick to only the list at the store.  Instead of buying 10 fruit options have have 2 or 3.  It cuts down on waste and we don't eat that much fruit anyway.   Once I get home it's time to start prepping!  All the fruit and veggies get washed and I use my containers to portion everything into ready to grab snack baggies or tupperware containers.  I get everything ready for the week I can and pre-measure it, I am so much less likely to overeat that way. 

Here is this weeks meal plan:

So today I made the taco meal, sliced peppers, and diced my lettuce, tomato and avocado for the tacos also.  The next two days are ready to go! 
I also made half a dozen hard boiled eggs, washed and portioned out my grapes.  I tend to keep it really simple for my meals also.  I just look through the meal guide and pick a protein, grain and veggie.  Our food has tons of flavor and nutrition so we don't ever feel like we are eating like rabbits.  

I checked on Amazon and found these containers so our whole meal can be ready to go in the fridge, we just heat it up and eat. 

Moral of the story, spending a few hours on Sunday (or whatever day works for your schedule) really does save TONS of time and headache during the week.  Meal planning and prepping is KEY to staying on track and once you get into the routine is super easy.   I make sure my challengers have all the support they need because I have been there and know it can be overwhelming.   SO KEEP IT SIMPLE! 

Do you struggle with nutrition, eating or meal planning?  I would love to help you! We have another boot camp starting on September 5th and I will walk you through everything.   Check out more details here --->  https://www.facebook.com/events/327546750912107/

or check me out LIVE tomorrow at 3 PM EST on Facebook :)  (it will be in the event in the above paragraph <3 ) 


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My thoughts on Country Heat so far.

So, I am going to be completely honest.  When I first heard about Country Heat being the new program that Beachbody was launching I wasn't super excited.   I didn't love CIZE when they released that and I just wasn't keen on a dance program.  However, I love Autumn Calabrese and the more I listened to her talk about it and really started to check it out the more I started to think maybe I could try it.    

I had a ton of customers who were excited for it and I wanted to be a product of the product and I don't ever ask them to do something I won't sooooo I bought the program.  

I was pleasantly surprised to see the meal plan was the same as the 21 Day Fix so that was easy to follow.  I already love the Shakeology and drink that everyday so that piece was a no brainer.   Then came the actual workouts...

Let me just say I am a week and a half into it and I freaking LOVE this program! It's easy to follow, it's fun and I have already lost 4 pounds even with slip ups in the meal plan and my eating.  The time goes so fast and I haven't sweat this much in a long time.  I am sore which was a fear I had, I really like the post workout soreness that makes me feel like I accomplished something.  My legs are getting a hell of a workout.  I can't wait to see my final results and I will never doubt Autumn again haha.  

Some of the moves I am sure that I look like a wet noodle but I keep moving and sweating, plus you don't have to memorize a whole routine.  It's so much easier to only learn two moves, put them together and then move on.    

My challengers are also loving it and the whole group is doing awesome! The support is unreal and we have such a great group of ladies who are all dancing away the pounds.   The next group starts September 5 and I am just as excited for that one.