Friday, December 30, 2016

My not so secret struggle

I have shared on my social media very openly that I struggle with depression and anxiety.  I was ashamed of it for so long because I felt like something was wrong with me and people would think badly of me.  I felt like it was me making an excuse to not be able to deal with life and I was so hard on myself for feeling like this.  

I also have shared that I recovered from eating disorders.  When my bulimia was completely out of control I had to go to therapy as a last step before inpatient treatment.  I also hated the thought of therapy but my doctor pretty much made it non-negotiable.  After months of therapy it was determined that my eating disorder was how I DEALT with my depression.  I felt like I had zero control over my life, I was completely lost and miserable but food and purging was something I had control over. 

It was a long road but I can proudly say I am pretty much fully recovered from my ED.  I still struggle with the scale and body image but my eating is so much healthier, I haven't purged in over 2 years and I am the healthiest I have ever been.  With the recovery though my depression actually got worse.  Suddenly I didn't have my "coping mechanism" anymore and I had to find new ways to deal.  It is a work in progress!  Some days are great, some days I don't want to get out of bed. But everyday is a step in the right direction.   

Instead of eating, I turned to workouts, friends, reading and shopping to deal with my depression.  (The wallet doesn't love the shopping part, but you really can't have too many workout clothes). Personal development also did wonders on healing my mind, which used to be my worst enemy.  I love listening to podcasts, audio books, youtube videos and reading books.  

If you suffer from a mental illness, it's ok to ask for help!  It isn't anything to be ashamed of or hide.  You aren't alone in the struggle. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What is this NEW All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership and Challenge Pack?

If you follow me on either Facebook or Instagram, you might have seen my video yesterday on the new launch coming from Team Beachbody.  

The largest transportation service doesn't own cars.... Uber
The largest hotel chain doesn't have buildings.... AirBNB
The largest retailer doesn't have stores.... Amazon
The largest fitness company doesn't have gyms.... Team Beachbody

I heard this quote in a video the other day and loved it.  The world is going digital and convenience is everything now.   Beachbody is aware of this and is constantly looking for ways to innovate and reach people on their own personal level.  

Rewind 18 months ago and I was just starting my journey with the 21 Day Fix.  I didn't have high expectations because everything I had ever tried for losing weight....I failed at.  I had no idea what I was doing, what to eat, how to eat.  All I knew was if I didn't eat, I would lose weight.  I knew it wasn't healthy but I was so desperate I didn't care. I figured I had a 30 day money back guarantee so what did I have to lose?  After my first round of the 21 Day Fix I was in love and hooked.  I could follow the workouts at home and see exactly how to do each move, I had a nutrition program to follow that taught me what to eat and WHY it was important.  The biggest piece though was the support groups.  I had daily accountability, constant motivation and a whole group of people all cheering me on and lifting me up.  I finally found what worked for ME. 

Our CEO, Carl Daikeler, just announced yesterday the newest option for customers and coaches and it is going to completely change the way you think about working out.  On December 27 we will be offering an All-Access Beachbody On Demand Membership & Challenge Pack.  This will give you the fitness + nutrition + support for a YEAR.  

So why is this such a huge deal?→  You are getting unlimited access to EVERY SINGLE program Beachbody has from P90X, Insanity and Turbo Fire to the new programs like Core De Force, Country Heat and 21 Day Fix.  This will ensure that I am able to help YOU find the right program for your needs and goals and allow you to keep going after the initial 21, 30, 60 days.  It will also give you instant access to any BRAND NEW releases that Beachbody offers in 2017 for no additional cost.  

What is included in the Annual All-Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack?
1)1-Year Membership to Beachbody On Demand (BOD) with all content included, plus future releases
2)Shakeology (choice of 30-day supply on Home Direct) at a discounted price
3) Portion Fix (includes 7-piece portion control container set, eating guide, large blue container & shaker cup)
4)Business Starter Kit waived (included with new Coach enrollment)

You will get ALL of this for $199 for 12 months.

With this you will have access to over $6,000 worth of fitness and nutrition programs.  This will allow us to work together to help you reach your goals.  For example, you could start with the 21 Day Fix and then once you finish that we can have another conversation and see which program would be a good fit to start next, no ordering another program, no picking what's on sale just because it's on sale.  Or say you get hurt a week into The Master's Hammer & Chisel and lifting weights is out for a while.  Instead of giving up and losing all your momentum we can switch gears and you can do Yoga, Country Heat or PiYo until you are able to jump back into weight lifting.  No progress lost! 

You will also get full access to all the meal guides, workouts calendars and deluxe workouts that go with each program.  This is going to allow you to progress along your journey, as well as all the flexibility you need for life's curveballs that happen.  There is no quick fix to long term weight loss, you have put the work in and make healthy changes.

I was always that person that gyms loved because I paid for a membership every month and never went.  The gym wasn't for me, I was conscious, I didn't want to go before work and have to shower there, I didn't want to go after work because I was tired, I definitely wasn't going on a weekend or holiday.  I paid for a personal trainer and then GAINED weight because I was eating like crap and overeating because "I worked out today so I earned this cheat meal" I realize that some people love gyms and challenge groups/home workouts aren't for everyone but this is absolutely my jam and my key to getting results. 

What is the cost of the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack & Membership?
  • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is $199
  • The Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.95 and that does not include Shakeology, the portion containers or shaker cup. 
  • If you are an existing Beachbody On Demand Customer you will HAVE to cancel your current membership by calling customer service at 1-800-470-7870 and canceling and then you will be price adjusted accordingly.  Then, you can complete this form to upgrade to the all access subscription.   You cannot do this until the 27th of December when it is launched.
  • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand Membership is $99.
  • If you live in Canada your All Access Beachbody On Demand + Shakeology Challenge Pack is $239.
  • You can also choose the Beachbody on Demand Kick Start Challenge Pack which includes the 3 day refresh, which is truly the BEST option to start fresh, cleanse and get on the path to success in the new year and that is $239 US and $277 Canadian.
  • If you already have Beachbody on Demand you can upgrade to the annual all access membership for $99.
  • If you bought a challenge pack between 12/1 and 12/26 you can upgrade to this challenge pack offer for $69 again by using this link, on December 27th.
  • It is for EVERYONE which is awesome! If you are a current customer, coach or new customer you have access to it. 
  • The New All Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is available for sale on the 27th of December - February 28. 

This will be a great way to start January's No Resolutions...Just Results Health Bet group with me on January 2nd.  If you don't currently have a coach make sure you create a FREE ACCOUNT with me as your coach so I can help you get started. 

If you are interested in joining us, fill out this form to apply for a spot 😀.  I am so excited for this, it's going to such a great way for us to work together to get you the results you have been wanting!

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Sunday, December 18, 2016

How I Stay On Track During The Holidays

Last year was the first year since I was about 18 that I didn't gain 10 pounds over Christmas.  The reason...I finally figured out how to have a healthy balance and found a routine that worked for me.  I completely understand how crazy life can get before Christmas and how easy it is for your good intentions to go right out the window.  

Here are some tips that have worked for me and help me stay sane and on track during the holidays.  

1.  Create a plan.  Every week I make a meal plan and schedule in my workouts.  When it's all written out in front of me it's so much easier for me to stay accountable.  Here is my actual meal plan for this week.  Christmas morning we always have brunch with cinnamon rolls so I just plan for that day.  I will make sure I have my Shakeology for lunch instead of breakfast and I will eat really clean the rest of the day.  

I also don't skip my workouts, I am in between programs right now so I am checking out the new workouts for the 21 Day Fix and Country Heat that are on Beachbody on Demand and adding things in to keep my workouts going.  

I don't make the workouts something I HAVE to do and then dread them. I noticed I make better choices when I have already gotten my workout in and a good sweat session just makes me feel better, my mind clearer and stronger. 

2.  Limit alcohol for parties or special occasions.  I love a glass of wine or a margarita but they are empty calories.  An occasions glass is fine but one or two every night is a sure fire way to pack on a few unwanted pounds pretty quickly.  Also, make sure to alternate alcohol and water so you stay hydrated as well. 
3.  Choose smaller plates.  Those huge dinner plates can allow you to go way over on portions and not even realize it.  Often times its all visual too, we can put a lot less food on a 9" dinner plate instead of a 12" plate and still feel satisfied because our brains see a full plate.   But don't choose too small of a plate and you could feel deprived and go back for seconds when you aren't really hungry.   For example: last night we went to a Christmas party and I used the salad plate for my meat, potatoes, veggies and pasta and used the later dinner plate to make a big salad.   I still was full, but I loaded up on salad instead of alfredo and cheesy potatoes. 

4. Get enough sleep.  Sleep is so important and a lot of people don't get enough.  Sleep deprivation can make you feel hungrier.  It also will keep you from mindlessly snacking late at night. 

5.  If you are going to a party, bring a healthier option.  Offer to bring something you enjoy and won't feel guilty about enjoying.  Most times, you aren't the only one watching what you are eating and people will be grateful for a healthier option to try.   Another tip is to eat before you go.  That way you don't show up starving and reach for anything and everything.  My go-to is my Shakeology before a party.  It curbs my sweet cravings and fills me up enough to not want to gorge myself.  

6.  Remember this is a lifestyle and not a quick diet.  It's ok to splurge and enjoy yourself in balance and moderation.  Small steps everyday will add up to larger results and get you to your goal.  By not going overboard over the holidays just think of how much further you will be ahead in the New Year.  Don't try to lose weight over the holidays, your aim to maintain and make good choices. 

7. If you feel like you way overdid it, a detox may be the perfect way for your to jump start your January health goals.  My favorite is the 3 Day Refresh - it's a 3 day vegan cleanse that leaves you feeling refreshed, re-energized and less bloated and blah. 

 If you are ready to make a change in the New Year and would like some accountability after the holidays make sure to join my for my No Resolutions...Just Results group starting January 2nd.  

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Monday, December 12, 2016

The Beachbody Health Bet Is BACK!!

Guess what!!! The cat is out of the bag!  The Beachbody Health Bet returns in January!!  AND they are guaranteeing a minimum of $2 million in the pot.  

Let's be honest...

--> Did you overdo it over the holidays?  
--> Are you ready to get back on track and get back on the wagon?
--> Do you want to get paid to do so?

Let's do it together! Join me in the No Resolutions, Just Results Support & Accountability Group that runs from January 2nd - February 5th.  With the first week being all about prepping and getting ready to crush it!

PLUS The Healthbet is back! Which means that Beachbody has reserved a HUGE pot of cash for those who commit to a fitness program, drinking Shakeology once a day and log into the support group at least four times a week.  

How awesome is it to get rewarded for staying accountable and making healthy choices?!

Spots will fill up quick so make sure you reserve your spot ASAP. to guarantee you are in the group and get a piece of the moo-lah!

Apply here:::: and I will be in touch within 24 hours. 

Also, here is the event page on Facebook for even more info.